A brief guide describing some basic facelift considerations

A very common cosmetic procedure, face lifting involves removal of sagging skin from the face and tightening of the face muscles and tissues down the neck region to remove the signs of aging. It gives the face a young and fresh contour. The technical terms for this procedure are cervicofacial, rhytidectomy, and facialplasty.


As people hit their forties, their facial skin starts sagging downwards. Face lift improves the facial appearance by countering loose and sagging skin and tissues. However, this surgery will not get rid of all the facial wrinkles. For instances skin and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, may benefit only a little from this operation! This procedure is often accompanied with other procedures like chemical peeling, dermabrasion, Botox injections, and Blepharoplasty to achieve maximum results.

Description of the operation:

It takes around two hours for the completion of facelift by even expert surgeons in NYC, and it takes place on outpatient basis. Depending on the situation, patient may require hospitalization. Face-lifting can take place under both local and general anesthesia. Generally, doctors augment the sedation with the help of twilight anesthesia in case of local anesthesia. It is an intravenous sedative which helps in lowering the patient’s consciousness that the procedure is under progress. Anesthesiologists administer the sedations and helps in maintaining and monitoring patient’s life functions.

Face lifting involves the surgeon making incisions in the hairline above the ears. The incisions continue around the earlobes and extending behind it, coming back into hairlines. Incisions are formed in such a way that hides any signs that a person underwent any cosmetic operation. The surgeon follows the same process on the other side as well. He then starts to separate the facial skin from the tissues, moving down the neck area, chin and cheeks.

The doctor then removes the deposits of fats that form around the neck surgically with the help of liposuction. He then tightens up certain muscles and tissues extending up from behind the neck, beneath the chin and shoulders. Failing to tighten these muscles will make the facial skin look sagging and loose all over again. After that, sutures and staples are used for closing down the incisions.

Some bruising and swelling is common after face lifting and the person will notice a visible change in the contour of the face. It corrects some of the wrinkles, but deeper wrinkles may call for another operation to improve the appearance.

A lot of people undergo facelift procedure in NYC, making it among the most common surgical treatments.

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