How Blepharoplasty Can Help You Fight The Signs Of Aging?

With aging, soft tissues around the eyes begin to sag. This results in old and tired look. Blepharoplasty is the optimal solution to reverse these aging signs. It takes at least 10 years off the face.

The eyelid procedure is typically performed to correct aging flaws. The 3 main aging signs that blepharoplasty tackles are-

Fine wrinkles- With age, skin becomes thinner and drier. Skin loses its elasticity because of which wrinkles begin to appear.

Bags under the eyes- Tissue and muscles supporting eyelids get weaken with age. As a result, fat gets accumulate under the eyes. This causes eyelids to look puffy.

Puffiness on upper eyelids
- Enlargement of either the lower or the upper eyelids. The fluid or inflammation gets build up in the tissues, causing swelling in the eyelids.

During the procedure, patients are given either the general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The procedure takes two to three hours, depending on the extent of surgery.

Incisions are made following the natural lines of eyelids, in the creases of upper eyelids, and below the lower eyelid lashes. Depending on the correction needed, incisions may extend to the crow's feet or laugh lines at the outer corners of your eyes.

After incisions, surgeon separates the skin from underlying fatty tissue and muscle, removes excess fat, trims sagging skin and muscle, and then closes the incisions with fine sutures.

In some cases, there might be no need of skin removal from the fat pocket beneath the lower eyelids. In such case, surgeon may perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

Swelling and bruising is likely to occur after the surgery and may stay for three weeks. Patients need to stay calm and wait till the swelling goes away.

If your eyes have started to droop or sag, or for that matter, excess skin and fat around the brow area is diminishing your vision, then you too can go for blepharoplasty in NYC.

Everything You Need To Know Before Undergoing A Nose Job

What kind of deformities can be corrected by nose surgery?
  • Broken nose
  • Nasal structural problems
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Asymmetrical nose

Things that must be discussed with surgeon before the surgery-

Physical health- Surgeons examine patient’s health to determine whether they are eligible for the treatment, or not.

Medical history- Pre-existing medical conditions must be discussed with the surgeon. This is because health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure can cause problem during the operation.

Risks and possible complications- While cosmetic procedures are safe, yet there are always chances of complications. Therefore, before you go for the procedure, you need to get familiar with the risks involved.

Medication- If you are taking any medication at present, you need to tell surgeon about it. In addition to this, details of even the over-the-counter health medications such as fish oils and vitamin supplements must also be shared with the surgeon.

Allergy to any medications (if any) – If you have any kind of allergy, you must talk about it with your surgeon. This is because prescribed rhinoplasty medications might cause health issues to you.

Preparation for surgery- Some dos and don’ts are explained by the surgeon that must be followed sincerely.

Other important facts about nose job

Patients with broken nose must undergo this treatment as soon as possible, because delay will only make things worse for you.

The results of surgery can be seen gradually. Complete results can only be expected after few weeks (because swelling and bruising takes time to get diminished).

In case your past surgery was not successful, you can go for revision rhinoplasty.

Smoking and drinking habits may cause complication during the procedure.  This is the reason why surgeons recommend patients to quit smoking and drinking before the procedure.

What Are The Main Signs To Consider An Eyelid Surgery?

Eyes play an incredible role in the overall appearance of an individual. Having beautiful eyes can give you both attention and appreciation of others. People not happy with their eyes use Blepharoplasty, a cosmetic surgery to correct the upper and lower eyelids sagging or other issues associated with it.

This procedure is performed by doing external incisions along with the skin lines of the eyelids. However, to lessen the risks of visible scars, some Blepharoplasty expert in NY use different method of incisions. If your surgeon uses a local anesthesia, you will remain awake all through the surgery, but area near your eyes will become numb.

Following are the main signs to consider this surgical procedure:
  • If you look tired, when you actually are not. 

  • If you have droopy, baggy, and heavy eyelids.

  • If your eyes look smaller than they did in the past.
  • If you have vision problems due to obstructed field of view.
  • If lid of your upper eyelid overhanging the normal lid crease.

However, in any case, the surgery will remove excess skin and fat from the eyelid area to enhance your condition immensely, as it will reduce the threats wrinkles and fine lines. Moreover, it will make you look much fresh and younger.

Always look for an experienced and board certified surgeon to get the job done because there is no room for any half measures. Make sure that you get all the answers of queries that you may have before making the final decision.

Ideal Candidate: Usually, people over the age of 35 are suggested to undergo this surgery. You need to have realistic outcomes, regardless of the reasons for selecting this procedure. You should be a non-smoker who has no serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid. However, your surgeon will make the final decision after the complete analyze.

Recovery: It can take few weeks to recover, and to ensure proper healing, you must follow the recommended after care. Initially, you will experience extensive swelling and bruising around the eyes. It will go away with time and suggested medication. It usually includes pain medication and antibiotics. At specific times, you may also need to use both warm and iced eye pads. Other precautions may include avoiding activities that might raise your blood pressure.

Why is Liquid Facelift a Better Option than Surgery?

The facelift surgery gives a fresh look to your face. There is no doubt for the same, that the liquid face-lift is a better option than a surgery. A surgery is one in which surgical operation takes place and liquid facelift is one, which is known as non-invasive surgery.

The liquid facelift allows usage of fillers such as Voluma, Beletero and Juvederm. These liquid fillers are an integral part of this surgery.

If we go about the usage of these liquid fillers, this depends on the surgeons. The liquid lift expert in NYC will make sure about some of the concerns before taking an actual process of liquid lift surgery. These aspects might vary from an individual to individual. Some of the aspects, which are taken into account by a surgeon, are as follows-

Age factor – The age is a determining factor in liquid facelift surgery. However, there is no minimal or maximum age for the same but surgeons always consider the age factor before initiating the facelift.

Skin Texture – A person might have oily, dry or any other type of skin. Therefore, the course of facelift might also change according to the skin type. There is no such big change in procedure but there is a minimal difference.

Face type – The oval shape or rectangular shape of a face is a determining factor. The amount of liquid fillers to be used also varies according to the face type. The ultimate decider is the facelift surgeon, who is going to perform the procedure.

How procedure of liquid lift takes place is explained in the steps below –

Consultation – A patient is invited for consultation with a surgeon. The applications of surgery are not directly implemented on a patient.

The surgeon consults all the aspects of the surgery with a patient. The after effects of the surgery are also discussed at the initial meeting. The surgeons make efforts to comfort the patient as much as they can. In addition, patients can discuss an appropriate time for the surgery as well.

Applying injections – Injecting needles is an integral part of the surgery. The process of injecting fillers is done on the sides of the face before coming to the front. The fillers include Voluma, Beletero and Juvederm, these are trusted fillers used by surgeons across the United States.

After the procedure – some issues need to be handled with care after the process of surgery. The patients should say to alcohol and cigarettes for few weeks. Rigorous exercise is a big no. There are many do’s and don’ts, which a patient need to take in to consideration for a better result of the surgery.

Do You Want To Look Younger And Enhance Your Beauty?

It is not only women who desires to look young and beautiful but even men are equally conscious about their look. With time, your beauty fades and traces are visible direct on face.  Due to heat and pollution traces  gets more and more aggravated and results in increased amount of wrinkling on face and neck.

To stop such aging marks are not possible but with the help of facelift surgery procedure it can be delayed. Now day’s popularity of cosmetic surgery is rising rapidly. Lots of people are getting familiar and going for it. It is not only used to hide wrinkles or to rectify minor facial imperfection but also cover enhance the overall look of your face such as facial cosmetic surgery and eye cosmetic surgeries.

Every face has entirely different look and need different surgery. Some are treated for wrinkles and some to hide the scares. So here the question arises that what kind of surgery is apt for your face? To know the answer just goes through the points discussed below.
This surgery is advisable for all age groups whether they are in there late thirties or early eighties because this surgery is not to change the entire look but to enhance it to most possible extent.

As the number of people who opt for face surgery everyday  are increasing every day, so lots of medical practitioners are calming  to be facelift experts ,  which have made this more crucial and risky surgery.
Safety measures:  

First and foremost important thing is always get your surgery done from highly qualified and well experienced surgeon. Their knowledge and experience will doubtlessly reduce the risk factors and can handle any serious complications, which may sometime occur during the procedure.

If you will follow the guidelines and prescriptions properly, you can enjoy quick recovery and you have to take care of one more thing that you have to quit smoking for some time. Following this guideline properly will ensure you best results with in short period of time.

 Facelift experts in big city like NYC always start their surgery procedure only after examining the patient properly. And after examining they will have discussion on the risky factors such as blood related allergies and which surgeries will suites your skin. So do not take a risk of going to surgeons, who without examining properly starts the procedure, which is dangerous and sometime life threatening.
It is entirely a simple procedure, which can be completed within few hours under local anesthesia. Most of the experts let their patients go home but in some cases few patients are kept under observation for a day or two. But at the end it provides productive and expected results, which definitely makes people look younger like ever.

Are You Thinking Of Transforming Your Nose? Go For Rhinoplasty!

A recent survey concluded that most of the respondents are not happy with their nose. Other respondents even said that their nose does not go with their looks. To help with this issue, the rhinoplasty surgeons even held a seminar to highlight, a rhinoplasty can help in this issue. As a result, patients are coming to the surgeons for help.

The nose should be according to the face. This is the most common one-liner heard by surgeons. A rhinoplasty Doctor in NYC even announced that after attending seminar, many individuals came to her for nose surgery (rhinoplasty). There was need of this kind of seminar, which can help in giving Education about this type of surgery.

Before coming to a surgeon, make sure that you are well prepared for the question being put by a doctor. A Doctor in the initial meeting itself will ask numerous questions related to past surgical operations, medical history and what change they need to have in their nose. These questions need to be answered honestly for the better result of the nose surgery.

This is kind of consultation session in which a patient is able to put forward his heart. In return, a patient is able to know about what would be appropriate and which kind of surgery would be best suited. An appointment can also be fixed for surgery as well.

Going further, appropriate arrangements are made for the nose surgery. A special catalogue is given to the patients as well. The patients are given information about the do’s and don’ts. There is a clear instruction to the patients undergoing nose surgery to make sure that there is no consumption of alcohol at all for few weeks before and after the surgery. Apart from alcohol, the inhalation of smoke is not allowed as well.

These do’s and don’ts need to be follow religiously by a patient undergoing this surgical procedure. Moreover, after completion of the surgery, a patient needs a helper as well. This helper will try to help in the daily chores of the patients for few days.

It is important to follow the guidelines. These guidelines can be fruitful for the better result of surgical treatment. The procedure of rhinoplasty lasts for few hours but an individual undergoing nose surgery should make sure that after the surgery, they maintain a healthy lifestyle for few weeks or so.

Top 6 Reasons Why You Need Rhinoplasty

When celebrities like Cameron Diaz admit going under nose surgery, most of the people think, why? Why stars need the help of cosmetic surgeries? Why celebrities feel the need to enhance their beauty? Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgery for reshaping the nose. However, changing the shape of nasal structure is not the only reason, why people including stars choose it.

Why people are going to top rhinoplasty expert in NYC and other cities? What are the other reasons to choose rhinoplasty? Here are some answers:

For breathing problems – Many people suffer from breathing problems due to birth defects like deviated septum, injuries, or several other reasons. In rhinoplasty, surgeons can reshape nose and get rid of blockage. Actress Cameron Diaz also went under the knife to sort out breathing problems, she was suffering due to injuries.

Cosmetic reasons – Many people are not comfortable with the shape of their nose. Patients, who want to get major or minor changes done in their nasal structure, choose rhinoplasty. Surgeons can make nose look bigger, smaller, broader, slimmer or change crooked tip etc. One can also get rid of bumps, hooks or ridges on their nasal structure. One can get the perfect features with this surgery.

Injuries – Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time and with any one. Fractures, bites and burns can cause damage to nasal structure. Many people get injured in nose and suffer from breathing problems or badly shaped nose. In these situations, surgeons can rebuild the structure with surgery.

To improve birth defects – Man people suffer from birth defects like cleft lip, cleft palate or other birth defects. Rhinoplasty is the surgery that is performed to improve these defects.

Medical conditions – Medical conditions such as connective tissue, autoimmune system and tumors can cause damage to the nasal structure. This cosmetic surgery is performed to stop or correct the damage caused by these medical condition.

To improve effects of earlier surgery – Some patients do not get desired results from this procedure. In this situation, they get under the knife once again to cover up effects of previous procedure. It is called revision rhinoplasty.

However, there are two main types of this procedure, open and closed. Surgeon makes incision on the upper and front area of nasal structure in open surgery. It is considered easier process compare to closed. In closed procedure, surgeons make incisions in the inner area of nose. It is bit more complex process, which require years of practice and knowledge. People choose these processes according to their requirements.

Are you familiar with common facelift types?

There is more than one reason why people choose to get facelift procedures done. This cosmetic process can smooth out the facial skin and tone it. The aim is to restore a person’s youthful appearance and attractive features. Today a variety of procedures are performed by surgeons that promise safe and secure results.
Which procedure a doctor chooses to perform will depend on a person’s desires, degree of perfection required, physical condition, etc. In some cases, patients are required to undergo multiple procedures. Consultation is necessary to get best results from any plastic surgery be it a facelift or Blepharoplasty in New York.
Endoscopic facelift is the most famous and traditional type of surgery. It is popular because it is quite affordable as well as convenient. It is less invasive and the recovery period is also shorter. It is intended to undo the impact of advancing age, without experiencing the inconvenience of an invasive cosmetic procedure.
In endoscopic facelift, patients are not given more than four cuts on the face. No cut is longer than an inch and is created very discreetly along the hairline. Often times, cuts are given behind the ears. This ways, possibilities of any visible scars are slim to none. As cuts are small in size they don’t bleed much.
Cosmetic science introduced a reformed version of this conventional method which is called deep plane facelift. In this procedure, deeper plan dissection takes place in order to alter the position of facial muscles. Deep plan facelift produces more natural output resulting in a more youthful facial look.
It also helps to deal with drooping skin. However, one must note that this type of procedure poses certain risks and should only be chosen after careful consideration.
Next type is a thread facelift. This is meant to treat areas around neck, jaw line and cheeks. In this, a special type of threat is used for repositioning the skin. This is done by creating tiny incisions around these areas. Surgeons use threads to insert into incisions and pull back the skin, in order to smooth out the skin and face.
Over the period of time, threads get dissolved resulting in a toned and vibrant appearance. This type of facelift hardly results in any scarring or bruising.
Temporal facelift is another common procedure in this particular category of cosmetic surgery. It is used for treating patients who are troubled by dropping and lowered eyebrows. Incisions are made on the side of eyebrows to lift the skin.

Improve your appearance and correct nasal deformities with Rhinoplasty!

Also known as nose job, Rhinoplasty is an ideal option for people who don’t like shape and size of their nose. Undergoing Rhinoplasty will have substantial effect on the way you look. Whatever may be your reason for undergoing this surgery, there are several advantages that you will get after undergoing this surgical procedure.
It is a form of cosmetic surgery, performed by expert surgeons for altering shape and size of the nose. This surgery works the best in restoring balance on the face of the individual undergoing Rhinoplasty. The shape of the nose is altered through modifications in nasal bones and tissues.
It takes one to two hours to perform this procedure. This cosmetic surgery is categorized into two types known as open and closed Rhinoplasty that people can select as per their expectations from this surgery. In open nose job, the surgeons get an easy access to nasal bones and tissues as incisions are made across columella. On the other hand, the case is totally different in closed Rhinoplasty as incisions are made inside nostrils. However, depending upon condition of the nose and results expected, the surgeons select the best treatment for their client.
Who can go for Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty surgery performed by experts in NY is best suited for both men and women. However, it is necessary for an individual considering undergoing Rhinoplasty to be both physically and mentally fit.
An initial consultation with an expert surgeon is a must to understand this procedure. If you are the right candidate for this procedure, then your surgeon will provide you certain instructions that you need to follow before and after surgery.
Apart from this, it is important for you to get clear with purpose of why you are going for this cosmetic surgery. Some people have chronic breathing issues. For such people, it would be a fair idea to go for this procedure to get rid of their breathing issues. On the other hand, a large number of people go for this procedure to bring positive change in their overall personality.
The expectations of people undergoing Rhinoplasty for correcting their nasal deformities is different from the ones undergoing this procedure to look better.
No matter, what your purpose is, you should set practical expectations from this procedure to feel satisfied with results of Rhinoplasty. Take proper rest and follow instructions provided by your doctor in order to recover fast from this procedure.

Closed Rhinoplasty and the major associated factors

There are many ways in which rhinoplasty, or nose job is performed such as open, closed, and non-surgical. Here, we will discuss in detail about closed rhinoplasty, its upsides, and conditions that are treatable by this procedure.
This procedure is also called endonasal nose job. This surgery involves creation of incisions within the nose. When incisions take place at the exterior part of the nose, it is called external nose job.
In closed procedure, limited surgical dissection is required. After the surgery minimum support is required for the nose. Chances of post-operative edema are very less when patients undergo this procedure. As incisions take place inside of nose, patients don’t have to worry about visible scars.
The amount of time required to perform closed Rhinoplasty is less than the time required in open. Endonasal procedure causes minimal swelling and recovery is also quick. To confirm whether or not this procedure is ideal for your, be sure to contact a good New York City based Rhinoplasty surgeon.
As this procedure involves dealing with internal nasal structure, surgeons get access to only limited nose portion. It is capable of achieving only certain changes. This is the reason, endonasal procedure is recommended for patients who do not require major changes in their nasal structure.
People with shorter nose, perky tips, and short nose tips make ideal candidates for this particular type of nose job. On the other hand those who are born with big and over projected nose, crooked and drooping ends, or a lump in the bridge of nose should go for open procedure. Only limited imperfections are fixable with this surgery.
The post operative benefits of this surgery would include a more symmetrical looking face. This is because even the slightest of change are capable of giving symmetrical appearance. Whether the size of nose has been increased or decreased it will be noticeable. While most of the times, aesthetics are the main reason behind this operation, it is also performed to remove breathing issues. The person is likely to feel more self confident post operation.
If a person is recommended this surgery, he should start avoiding products containing aspirin weeks before as it causes blood thinning which can increase the chances of bleeding after surgery. Inform the doctor if you have cold during the day of operation as it may complicate the procedure. Your doctor will discuss pre and post operative care in detail.

How a surgeon codifies a rhinoplasty plan?

Codifying a rhinoplasty plan requires number of important factors to be considered. An expert surgeon always knows that nose surgery needs vary from patient to patient based upon their nasal issues and current health status. They schedule a discussion with patient so that all problems related to nasal aesthetic or function can be covered and patients’ expectations can be properly understood.
A properly personalized plan helps to meet patient’s expectations as everything, from pre-operation preparation to surgery to post-surgery care, is performed keeping in mind patients’ issues, heath needs, and expectations as mentioned in plan.
Here is a look on the various factors that an expert rhinoplasty surgeon in New York City considers before performing operation.
The most important question a surgeon asks is about the common issues that need to be addresses during operation. The size, shape and bone structure of the nose is examined to identify the problems that need to be addresses. The most common problems that this operation covers include visible hump on bridge, too long and drop nasal tip, too wide or too narrow nostrils, Slope in bridge too steep or too shallow, asymmetry in both sides of nostrils, nasal deviation, off-centered nose, breathing issues to excess tissues and cartilage etc. This quality and thickness of the skin is also checked because dry skin or other skin problems can impose limitations on what can be achieved after operation.
After knowing exactly what patient’s nose concerns are, comprehensive health details are collected. Various important health factors that a surgeon considers include medical history of patient’s family, patients health status and medications or treatment patents is currently taking. Other important questions like if patient has previously undergone rhinoplasty, if patient is a regular smoker or drinker are asked. Some tests are ordered to make sure that patient is free from the symptoms of deadly conditions such as diabetes, heart attack, high levels of bad cholesterol, high blood pressure etc. because they impose limitation during operation and post-surgical recovery.
After establishing patients’ expectations, plan for anesthesia, pre-surgical preparation, type of rhinoplasty is developed. Well-planned and professionally performed nose-job helps to improve the nasal profile by making necessary changes. One important thing to mention here is that changes in the natural nasal contour can be made to certain level. Remember, surgery can helps to create a harmonious nasal profile but cannot completely change the nasal appearance.

Bringing harmony between nose and other features through Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the best cosmetic procedures performed for enhancing facial symmetry and proportion. This surgery boosts up confidence levels of people by modifying their looks in a way that make them look younger and beautiful.
Rhinoplasty is an ideal option for those who are not satisfied with shape and structure of their nose. This cosmetic procedure can treat all deformities and issues with nose that affect personality of an individual. The main motive of this surgery is to create harmony of nose with other facial features.
Those who want to improve shape of their nose get rid of breathing issues and other problems associated with nose can go for this surgery. An initial consultation with an expert surgeon is necessary to get the best results after this surgery. During consultation phase, the surgeon will determine nature of problem associated with your nose and will let you know whether this cosmetic surgery can provide you desired results or not.
However, it is necessary for you to set realistic goals and expectations from this surgery because then only you will feel happy and satisfied with its results. In New York City, Rhinoplasty has benefitted many people who want to improve shape of their nose.
Who are ideal candidates for Rhinoplasty?
Individuals with good overall health are considered as the best candidates for this surgery. Smokers should not go for this procedure as they may not get results they expected and possibility of delays during recovery process are high.
Individuals with excessively large and small nose can go for this surgery for enhancing their overall personality. Rhinoplasty can treat deformities with tip, bridge, and hump of the nose. Therefore, all those who want to modify shape of tip, bridge, and hump of nose should go for this surgery to make positive changes in their personality.
Pre-operative factors
The surgeon will evaluate health status of patients planning to undergo this surgery. The surgeon will take into account previous medical history of patients to find whether they can go for this surgery or not. Those who were suffering from serious health conditions in past, should not go for this cosmetic procedure as it may affects results and problems may occur during recovery process.
The surgeons will ask people to avoid certain medicines like aspirin and anti-inflammatory medicines to get the best results.
Post-operative care
It takes two to three weeks to recover fully after this procedure. It would be best to follow instructions provided by an expert to recover easily in a short period. Avoid doing stressful activities to prevent delays in recovery.

Facelift surgery - A step towards getting younger looks and enhanced personality!

Facelifts provide an effective solution to those who want to get rid of undesired signs and symptoms of aging. Anyone whose appearance and personality has been affected due to aging signs can go for this surgery to control aging process.
What facelifts can treat?
  • Sagginess
  • Excessive fat deposits on face
  • Wrinkles under lower eye lids
  • Lines and wrinkles along nose and mouth, also known as laugh lines.
  • Loose skin under chin
It usually takes two to four hours to perform this surgery. The surgeon may schedule two different sessions, when this surgery is performed in combination with any other surgery to get the best results. There are certain factors that people undergoing this treatment should consider to make this surgery effective and beneficial in treating aging signs and symptoms.
The consultation phase!
During initial consultations, the surgeons will discuss about areas affected due to aging. The surgeon will be interested in knowing what type of results people expect from this surgery and areas that they want to improve.
This consultation phase will develop patients with an understanding of detailed facelift surgery performed by experts in NYC. Initial consultation helps in preventing disappointment before and after surgery.
Who are the good candidates?
Those with realistic expectations are the best candidates for this procedure. There is no specified age limit for this surgery but skin condition and texture are two important factors arising need for going for this surgery. In consultation phase, individuals will come to know whether they are right candidates for this procedure or not.
However, individuals thinking of undergoing this surgery should possess certain traits, out of which, the most important ones are as follows:
  • Skin quality - Quality of skin is one of the deciding factors that can affect decision of an individual planning to undergo facelifts. Individuals whose skin still retains some flexibility can easily go for this procedure to enhance their personality.
  • Expectations matters a lot - It is important to set realistic expectations from this surgery to get results that make you feel happy and satisfied after surgery.
  • Overall health - It is of core importance to maintain overall good health to get the best results. One needs to be mentally and physically fit to recover in a short span of time.
On the whole, such procedures will not stop you from aging instead will slow down aging, making you look younger and beautiful.

Wipe off the signs of aging with facelift

If you are concerned about signs of aging, you might want to consider undergoing facelift cosmetic procedure. This surgical procedure is ideal for people with facial wrinkles, sagginess on face and neck, deep lines below the lower lids, loose jowls around the cheek and neck area, deep creases, excess fat accumulations under chin and jaw area, double chin etc.
This procedure is generally performed in conjunction with eyelid and browlift to bring youthful appearance. One important thing for you to know is that this cosmetic procedure can make changes to some extent. It cannot stop the aging process.
The success and safety of the procedure greatly depends upon your complete discussion with the surgeon during consultation. This is the time when patient goes through a direct discussion with surgery specialist. You will be asked number of question regarding your physical and mental health, expectations, and lifestyle.
Here, you will be given a vision of what to expect during consultation. Be prepared to answer the questions like why you want to undergo the procedure, what are your expectations, present medical conditions, medical treatments you are currently undertaking, drug allergies etc. In addition, discuss with your surgeon about the use of current medications, nutrition supplements, cigarettes, tobacco, and drugs. If you had taken any previous surgeries, it is important to bring it to your surgeon’s knowledge.
On the other side, your surgery expert may also examine your face to identify the various types of challenges, evaluate your present status of physical and mental health, discuss potential risks and complications associated with your case, determine the type of numbing medicines and anesthesia that will be given, and more. Some tests are executed to make sure that patient is free from some deadly conditions, such as diabetes, heart arrest, lung or liver disease, hypertension etc. The severity of such conditions can result in complications during and post operation.
Based upon consultation, facelift surgery experts in NYC may ask you to follow some instructions and may prescribe you some medications as a first step to prepare for you for operation. Before facelift procedure, you may be prescribed some medications, stop smoking, avoid taking medicines like aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs because they increase bleeding.
Surgeon can perform this cosmetic procedure in hospital, an accredited office-based surgical center, or an outpatient center

How a surgeon plans a nose job?

Cosmetic surgical procedure nose job or rhinoplasty is designed address the structural and functional deformities of the nasal contour. It is a common knowledge that every patient is different in context of different aesthetic and functional issues. It requires unique treatment plans to be designed in order to meet the unique needs and desires of the individuals.
Here the assistance of a knowledgeable and skilled surgeon is advisable. You might have a question in your mind that how the involvement of an experiences nose surgeon is imperative to meet your nasal appearance and function goals. To know “why you should you take services of a New York City based rhinoplasty specialist for nose job”, please take some time to read this post.
First, reason is that specialized doctors perform operation by developing a researched based treatment. An important thing to inform you that there are chances that doctor might deny performing the operation due to individual’s health concerns that can affect the results of operations. Therefore, to ensure that the patient is the good candidate to undertake nose job, the surgeon conduct thorough research called consultation.
During consultation, several tests are executed, evaluations are performed, and discussions are made with patient so to make the wisest decision about “to perform, or “not to perform” the nasal operation. In the consultation process, doctor directly communicates with the patient and may ask questions about regular medication that patient take, records of medical treatments (if any), family history of nasal issues, allergies due to medications and seasonal changes, and more.
Nose specialist also identify challenges by examining various nasal characteristics such as skin thickness, fullness of nostrils and their shape, structure of the nasal bridge, size of nasal tip according the face tec. Some tests are ordered to ensure that patient is in good physical and psychological health conditions.
Adding more to your knowledge, medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disorders can create complications in dusting operation or post-surgical period. Therefore, it is important to evaluate that level of such conditions to make the procedure successful. Moreover, your realistic expectations are considered to crystalline a plan of nasal cosmetic surgery. If your expectations are realistic enough to meet, they were included in the plan for your treatment.

How surgeons decide the execution of forehead surgery?

One of the most sought after cosmetic surgeries, forehead lift is designed to rejuvenate the forehead appearance by eliminating the signs of aging. The purpose of this cosmetic procedure is to give your appearance to the patients by making necessary alternations in the existing forehead area.
This cosmetic operation is generally performed in conjunction with brow-lift that not only improves the appearance of horizontal lines on the forehead but also correct the descended brows.
Forehead surgery is performed on the patients who are in the 40s or 60s. However, individuals of any age who are experiencing the frown lines due to stress or muscle activity can also undergo this operation. Apart from this, individuals with low or heavy brow, furrows above the nose, crow’s feet, deep horizontal lines on the forehead may be the good candidates.
The professionally performed operation, at greater extent, reduces the appearance of these aging factors and provides more alert and youthful appearance to the patient. Adding more to your knowledge, the changes can be made up to a limited extent and the degree of making changes is largely depends upon various factors like health of the skin and individual’s present heath status.
If the patient is suffering from the problem of skin hanging over the upper eyelids, surgeons may also recommend combining eyelid lift operation with forehead cosmetic procedure.
One important thing to inform you is that every forehead cosmetic operation starts with a thorough consultation process. The in-depth consultation allows a surgeon to decide whether this cosmetic surgery is right for the patient (according to the present health status). During consultation, surgeon knows about family history of the patient in order to know whether the problem is hereditary or not.
Moreover, surgeon also orders some diagnosis in order to make sure that patient is free from factors (such as blood clotting issues, uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart problem, diabetes etc.) that can create complicacies during the procedure or during post-surgical recovery.
Besides, patient should also disclose information regarding drugs and smoking habits etc. If the patient is undertaking treatment and medications for health issues then this should be shared with the surgeon. Even, disclose information about previous surgeries. All such factors collectively contribute to make your operation successful. Surgeons evaluate all these factors against required health status, to perform the operation and decide whether surgery benefits him/her for their concerns.

What happens after the rhinoplasty surgery?

Every individual has different set of problems with their nose and depending on that, rhinoplasty results also vary from individual to individual. Factors or variables like nature and thickness of patient skin, the nature and thickness of tissues yield different outcomes to an individual who has undergone rhinoplasty.
Results are never instant. It takes time, probably six months to one year after the surgery.
Sometimes, in some cases when revision rhinoplasty surgery is performed in NY or elsewhere, the time limit of results also varies in those cases.
During the healing process, following are the things that a patient is expected to experience:
Moderate degree of discomfort: After the operation, patient will face mild pain. Certain medications would be prescribed by surgeon, which one need to take for few days.
Mild degree of black and blue discoloration: Mild degree of swelling after the operation is ought to occur. Sometimes, it even gets worst within 48 hours. However, swelling is not permanent; it subsides rapidly in one week. In case, if certain amount of skin discoloration stays then you must use camouflage. However, before applying, one must take the permission of their plastic surgeon.
Bruising: Likewise, swelling bruising also occurs and takes equal time to residue. In other words, bruising takes two to four weeks to fade. However, if taken adequate rest and vitamin C medications for two to three weeks after the surgery, then the bruising is said to residue fast.
Moderate bleeding: Certain amount of drainage of a thin fluid called blood is ought to happen after surgery. This problem can last for several days. Surgeon must have provided some instructions (like sleeping postures medications, cold compressions, no excessive movements and anxiety) to patient, which he or she must adhere in order to lessen the bleeding.
Obstructed breathing: After the surgery or during the healing period, patient might feel obstructed breathing, which can last for about three to seven days.
Dryness of mouth: Likewise, obstructed breathing, dryness of mouth is also bound to happen for few weeks. This is because after the operation nose of patient feels blocked.
Induration of healing process: The results of operation are not instant. The process of healing and scar tissue formation takes three to six months. Hence, patients need to keep themselves calm until the time they get optimal results.
Scars: This is also common to occur, especially if external incisions are there on one’s nose. In order to avoid such issues, one must not come in direct sun and use sunscreen at times when going outside. To eradicate scars, gentle massage with vitamin E should be done.

What makes consultation all the very important before rhinoplasty?

In consultation prior to a nose surgical procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will spend some time on discussing things that could majorly effects the nose operations.
These are about patient nasal appearance and it functioning. During consultation patient’s family history will be studied in detail, the status of patient health will be determined, and some tests can be executed to find out if there are any symptoms of immature health conditions.
Doctor also asks patient if they smoke. It is important to know because smoking has great impacts on the skin as well as it slower the recovery process. If patient is smoker, doctor properly examines skin in order to ensure that the skin is healthy enough to heal after operation.
Apart from this, the factors like age, skin thickness, type of aesthetic issue with nose, type of functional problem with nose, history of trauma, ethnicity, allergies etc. are discussed during rhinoplasty consultation. A careful nasal examination by New York based rhinoplasty surgeon is conducted and photographs are taken. Then a thorough analysis is performed on the gathered information in order to know if the operation will bring the pleasing result for the patient or not. 
If the patient wants to change the shape of the nose due to any of the aesthetic problems, such as deviated septum, tool large nasal tip, asymmetric nostrils, too wide nostrils, a post-traumatic deformity or nasal bump, crooked nose, nasal tip projection, too big or too small nose etc., cosmetic surgeon will carefully run a facial examination.
Analyzing all such factors and knowing patient’s expectations, surgeon tells patient how his nose and face will appear after rhinoplasty. During consultation, surgeon also suggests other cosmetic procedures that can enhance the overall facial appearance. Generally, rhinoplasty when performed in conjunction with chin or face-lift operation makes an attractive facial balance.
If surgeon finds patient healthy enough to perform operation for your nose issue, the details about the nose job and available options are explained. It is important to inform you that nose job can be carried out though incisions or laser technique. Depending upon patient’s preferences, and the extent of alternations needed, the type of procedure is decided. Doctor also decides the type of anesthesia that will help to keep patient numb during the entire nose job.

Do you love the concept of Rhinoplasty? You must like the prior consultation then!

The advanced cosmetic procedure, nose job is designed to refine the shape of nose by making necessary changes in the nose anatomy. The extent of changes on the nose contour depends upon various factors such as the type of the nose issue, severity of the problem (aesthetic and/or functional), and current health status.
The nose related issues may vary from person to person. Therefore, different strategies need to be made to address different nose problems. In order to collect detailed knowledge about the individual’s nose related issues, rhinoplasty consultation is important to be performed by the nose surgeon. However, it has been studied that when nose surgery is performed following a thorough consultation, it lowers the rate of revision nose job.
Consultation is the first step that New York City based rhinoplasty surgeons perform before start with the operation. Moreover, nose job consultation process is pivotal to the overall success of the nose operation.
As we already discussed, depending upon the nose problems, a unique surgical plan need to be made such that it covers all personal, and genetic (functional and aesthetic) nose factors.
Given the fact that no two surgeries are same, it is crucial to understand what the patients’ nose issues and goals are when it comes to nose operation. After knowing patients’ goals and expectations, cosmetic surgeon starts an honest discussion with patient about how surgery can address your nose issues. Surgeons also talks frankly about what can be achieved and what cannot be (based upon your nose problems and health status) through the nasal procedure.
In addition to discussing about nasal cosmetic procedure and potential outputs, cosmetic surgeons ensure that every patient is the right candidate to undergo nose job. For this reason, doctor order various tests on each patient for the physical evaluation. They also ensure that patient is healthy enough to not only under the nose procedure but also to recover fast following the operation. Cosmetic surgeon also runs several tests to evaluate if patient is mentally fit and can handle the psychological facet of the nose surgical procedure, or not. Doctor also discuss about possible risks (based upon individuals nose issues and expectations) with patient.
In this way, the overall goal of the rhinoplasty consultation process is to make patient feel comfortable, positive, and secure about his/her nose operation.

Want your 20s and 30s look back? Go for blepharoplasty!

Aesthetic (cosmetic) eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty helps to removes the excess fat, skin and wrinkles.
It is the most appropriate way to rejuvenate ones appearance and get rid of tired and sad looking face. It also eliminates bags under the eyes and tightens the lower eyelid skin. Thus, it’s the best method to correct problems that are the results of aging.
If you too are facing such issue, make sure you have gathered whole information about eyelid operation and then fixed an appointment with a certified surgeon.

The amount of excess fat and skin in the eyelid areas, the position of the eyebrows, and the condition of the muscle around the eyelids will help determine the type of technique (upper or lower eyelid surgery) followed by the surgeon.
In upper eyelid surgery in NYC performed by surgeons, incisions are made on the natural folds of upper eyelid or on the creases. The excess skin and fatty tissue removed from the upper eyelid.
In lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made below the lashes. Likewise, in upper eyelid operation, the excess skin, muscle and fat are removed. Patients who have puffiness and bulges the fat redistributed to their eyes. Other problems such as muscle laxity solved via it.
Once the motive of removing excessive skin and fat from upper and lower eyelid, the surgeon will close the incisions and place sutures. Followed to it, surgeon will tell some dos and don’ts to patient which is must to follow in order to get desired results of surgery.

  • Good appearance
  • Surgery is carried out easily
  • After few months incisions do fade
  • Rare complications are there in aesthetic eyelid surgery
  • Mostly performed on outpatient
  • Patient can resume to work or normal activities within 10 days
  • Get desired results
  • Good level of patient satisfaction
Other Considerations:
  • Risk is associated with every surgical procedure. Potential complications include reactions to anesthesia, hematoma and infection
  • Blur vision for few days
  • Bruising, mild swelling and sensation around the eyes
  • Following surgery, dryness or irritation in the eye would be felt
  • Possibility of additional surgery, if want prefect results
  • Patients suffering from high blood pressure, thyroid, diabetes, allergies will face higher risks

Dr. Jennifer Levine-The best in line surgeon!

Dr. Jennifer Levine is a reputed surgeon of New York City. Her efforts to enhance the appearance of people have brought a great change in their looks as well as confidence level. She is specialized in conducting forehead surgery, face & neck lift, chin & cheek implants and various other cosmetic surgical procedures.

Dr. Jennifer Levine-The best plastic surgeons in New York City!

Dr. Jennifer Levine is amongst those few forehead surgery plastic surgeons that have helped brought great changes to the people facial expressions. She is a multitask women. Despite of being a mother, she understands her patient’s needs and help provide them good results related to facial cosmetic surgeries.

Comprehensive consultation leads to good results after rhinoplasty

Nose surgical procedure is a cosmetic reconstruction of the nose, performed to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose and its functionality (if person is suffering from functional issues).
Both men and women can undergo nose surgical procedure. Depending upon the type of your nose issue, your cosmetic surgeon decides what type of nose job (open or closed) is right for you.
People with any of the following issues may consider undergoing nose cosmetic operation: people with too big nose as compared to face, crooked nose, too small or nose large nasal tip, wide and asymmetrical nostrils, nasal hump, deformed nose due to an accident, wider nose etc.
There are many other factors that help to make decision if the person in all manners is good to undergo nose surgery. If the person is in good health and psychologically stable condition and expecting realistic results from surgery then your cosmetic surgeon may consider you the right candidate for nose job.
The final decision of declaring you the candidate for nose job depends upon the correctness of the diagnosis. A carefully and thoroughly performed diagnosis is a way to get the right information about patients’ current health status and other factors that may affect the nose job.
Every successful procedure performed by New York based rhinoplasty surgeons start at the first consultation with expert analysis. During consultation, cosmetic surgeon directly communicates with patient to properly understand his/her needs and expectations. Your surgeon may order some tests in order to find that if your nose issue require one or combination of nose jobs. The selection of nose procedure depends upon the how severe your nose problem is.
If along with aesthetic problem, you are suffering from functional problem then your surgeon may considers performing functional nose job in combination with cosmetic procedure.
Surgeon may also order some examinations to check patients for health conditions like diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, etc. One more thing, if you are a heavy smoker, tell your surgeon. Because smoking, at greater extent effects the operation and post-surgical results.
It is important to keep your expectations real because there is a limit of changes that can be made in your nasal contour.
New York based surgeons perform rhinoplasty after thorough consultation with their patients for good results.

Some after surgery precautions from nose surgeon’s diary! Let’s explore…

Cosmetic science has found a very effective and quick solution, nose surgical procedure, to provide people with harmonious nasal structure. People with issues like wider nose, bulbous nostrils, deviated septum, upturned, drooped or large nasal tip, uneven nose profile etc., can take the advantage of that procedure to get the most tuneful nose.
It is the responsibility of your surgeon to perform the operation so that after recovery period patient will get the nose what he/she was desired for before the operation. After operation surgeon gives patient some instructions, so that patient can get the beautiful nose contour without facing side-effects.
Now it becomes the responsibility of the patient to follow those instructions in order to keep himself away from the complications and help it to make the efforts of the New York based rhinoplasty surgeons successful.
Let me share with your some important before and after surgery percussions and please stick on these precautions!
  1. People nowadays are very much conscious about their outlook and go under nose cosmetic surgical procedure for nose correction. After procedure, it is an advice to patients to keep their operated area away from cosmetics because the use of cosmetic can result in infections and allergies. Keep the operated area clean and washed with mediated water.
  2. Ultra violet rays can harm the surgical stitches. Surgeons, generally, advice their patients to protect the operated nose from the direct exposure of sun. Use of sunscreen is not the right way to protect your nose. Instead, application of antibiotic and ointment (as per your surgeon’s prescription) can give you better results.
  3. Consumption of healthy diet can work wonder in the quick recovery of the operated nose. Add fruits, green vegetables, toned milk and light food to your routine diet chart. Apart from this, don’t smoke and drink, at least, for the time until you nose get properly recovers.
  4. Avoid taking medications and supplements except those that surgeon has prescribed for after nose surgery treatment. Use of supplement without your surgeon’s consent can result in harmful effects.
  5. It is beneficial to drink a glass of Aloe Vera juice daily because it has strong medicinal powers that helps to in the creation of ruptured cells, thus contributes to fast recovery process.
For better post-surgical results and operated skin beautification, follow instructions as given by New York based rhinoplasty surgeons.