What happens after the rhinoplasty surgery?

Every individual has different set of problems with their nose and depending on that, rhinoplasty results also vary from individual to individual. Factors or variables like nature and thickness of patient skin, the nature and thickness of tissues yield different outcomes to an individual who has undergone rhinoplasty.
Results are never instant. It takes time, probably six months to one year after the surgery.
Sometimes, in some cases when revision rhinoplasty surgery is performed in NY or elsewhere, the time limit of results also varies in those cases.
During the healing process, following are the things that a patient is expected to experience:
Moderate degree of discomfort: After the operation, patient will face mild pain. Certain medications would be prescribed by surgeon, which one need to take for few days.
Mild degree of black and blue discoloration: Mild degree of swelling after the operation is ought to occur. Sometimes, it even gets worst within 48 hours. However, swelling is not permanent; it subsides rapidly in one week. In case, if certain amount of skin discoloration stays then you must use camouflage. However, before applying, one must take the permission of their plastic surgeon.
Bruising: Likewise, swelling bruising also occurs and takes equal time to residue. In other words, bruising takes two to four weeks to fade. However, if taken adequate rest and vitamin C medications for two to three weeks after the surgery, then the bruising is said to residue fast.
Moderate bleeding: Certain amount of drainage of a thin fluid called blood is ought to happen after surgery. This problem can last for several days. Surgeon must have provided some instructions (like sleeping postures medications, cold compressions, no excessive movements and anxiety) to patient, which he or she must adhere in order to lessen the bleeding.
Obstructed breathing: After the surgery or during the healing period, patient might feel obstructed breathing, which can last for about three to seven days.
Dryness of mouth: Likewise, obstructed breathing, dryness of mouth is also bound to happen for few weeks. This is because after the operation nose of patient feels blocked.
Induration of healing process: The results of operation are not instant. The process of healing and scar tissue formation takes three to six months. Hence, patients need to keep themselves calm until the time they get optimal results.
Scars: This is also common to occur, especially if external incisions are there on one’s nose. In order to avoid such issues, one must not come in direct sun and use sunscreen at times when going outside. To eradicate scars, gentle massage with vitamin E should be done.

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